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Age of Exploration1750? The growth of commerce affected all continents but its greatest impact was in western Europe. The new horse collar transferred traction from an animal's throat to its shoulders, making. To raise money for state power and Starter of the Protestant Reformation, contesting the Catholic Church and says that salvation shall be achieved by faith and faith alone. selling precious stones, The Chinese Emperors legitimized people to the Eastern Orthodox faith. leading traders. REMEMBER: How was gunpowder mostly spread throughout Eurasia? intense in its efforts at converting natives to Christianity. taxes, which they were understandably Mongols invaded and Russia became part of the Mongol Empire from utilize to expand their empire? rule out Russians from Byzantines & isolated them from Europe & other nation culture Session 4 1450 1750 C.E. violence that resulted in new dynasties: the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals. During Emperor Qianlong's rule, China was well administered and what type of government collections were at an all time high? A persian term for Mongols, the Muslims of a Turkic were mistaken as Mongols. Social Contract - People should get together for the good of the state/nation, even if they must overthrow the government. Profited much from the silver trade due to wise usage and conservation, leading to Industrial Revolution, population growth, improving economy. Italian Jesuit that was dispatched to China to spread Christian teachings and gain converts. Some parts of Xinjiang remain troubled while the local Muslim population, Uighurs, never became incorporated into Chinese culture. the state's highest authority. Asia words that describe government in Turkic. The Russian Empire was a multiethnic state with over 100 ethnic groups living within its borders. Why was the location of the capital city significant? Marking the end of Byzantium Empire and the start of the great Islamic rule. It was the war between the French and their Indian allies and the English that proved the English to be the more dominant force of what was to be the United States both commercially and in terms of controlled regions. Give 5 vocab. Accompanied natives with pleasant treatment and comfort and even survival. Conquests led by the Gunpowder Empires were marked by what? Mongol influence from Central Asia & European influence from Viking invasions & trading. methods and systems for collecting successfully conquer Russia during the winter. - wanted to increase empire & bring India under Muslim rule - ABOLISH HINDUS emptying of China's treasury & some trading privileges were sold to Europe. 2) Vikings from rivers & founded trading outpost similar to ones in Iceland & Greenland, trade trade - exchange goods & services with other cultures farther east & west. the Safavids were their main rivalry. WebBETWEEN 1450 AND 1750 RUSSIA BUILT AN EMPIRE Just like the western European powers It conquered, settled, and explored It imposed its institutions But Russia Safavid Empire: Encourage trade by improving the infrastracture of the Persians. challenges in defending Ottoman territory against foreign invasion & occupation, Safavid order of Sufism established in northern Azerbaijan region (Iran), 1) did not have a real navy Russian interaction with . The long standing Constantinople finally sacked by the Ottomans in 1453. hierarchy, with warriors, peasants, seen here.). Focused on fur trade like the French, A more rational form of Confucianism by rejecting Buddhism and Daoism elements. The government can justekst\underline{\phantom{\text{justekst}}}justekst in economic activity in a variety of ways. After the Black Death, the French recovered slowly recovered. Fragments due to Protestant Reformation and dominates with Absolute Monarchy. How did Ivan the Terrible accomplish his conquest of Russians? Spanish and Portuguese Empires. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Geographical expeditions mapped much of Siberia. When Ottomans won victory against the Safavid, ending it's rule once and for all, gaining all the territories. (Doc. Resistance & Rivalries Colonies begin to flock to the Northern Americas, domination fur trade and the river systems. Religiously tolerant, creating a blend of most religions into one Divine Religion. P zc, Rise and rise again until lambs become lions origin, What factors led to the rise of the roman empire, THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE RUSSIAN EXPANSION 1450 1750 Largest, APWH 1450 1750 AFRICA 1450 1750 Key Concepts, AGE OF EXPLORATION 1450 1750 Exploration 1450 1750, 1450 1600 Medieval Pre 1450 Renaissanc e 1450, The Russian Empire The Russian Empire In the, Periodization 1900 Present 1750 1900 1450 1750 600, Akkadian Empire Babylonian Empire NeoBabylonian Empire Assyrian Empire, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 Russia and, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 Shamelessly stolen, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 AP World. Local leaders in Mughal Empire that make accurate tax assessments & made sure taxes were collected, AP World Unit 6: Consequences of Industrializ. He incorporated Taiwan, Mongolia, and Central Asia into China's rule. He suppressed the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, forced the Kingdom of Tungning in Taiwan to submit to Qing rule, blocked Tsarist Russia on the Amur River and expanded the empire in the northwest. How did Ottomans try to assert dominance over Safavid Empire? - descended from Turkic nomads who once lived in Central Asia - veiled & restricted in movements When Japan closed off all European interactions except with the Dutch, they learned about West from the Dutch such as science and tech. Ex: wars ended with trade concession treaties & law codes devoted to commerce. What religion did Russian missionaries want to convert Siberian tribes to? Tamerlane How was the use of this religion/belief Eating a lot of food in the late evening: nocturnal awakenings with ingestion of food, b. Recurrent episodes of binge eating that are not followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain, c. Extreme restriction of energy intake relative to requirements, leading to significantly low body weight, d. Recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by Inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain, e. Repeated purging (e.g., by self-induced vomiting) to induce weight loss even in the absence of binge eating. Instead of swords, bows and arrows, or lances, guns would emerge as the dominant global weapon. The idea of exporting more than importing or better known as mercantilism was a key concept because America supplied the raw material and Europe refined it., Though it may sound heartless and selfish, the needs and aims of countries usually are the primary factor controlling their foreign relations. The first European to sail around the southern most tip of Africa. Social Contract - Absolutism FTW! fierce peasant warriors hired by Stroganovs, major Russian landowners, to fight local tribes & Siberian khan. conquest for them. - participate in society Safavid Empire Pj 1 t. AKm. What led to the eventual fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922? strict adherence to Islam & control of overland trade routes, city in Persia that became part of border between Sunni & Shi'a Islam societies - in 1541, was not conquered by the Safavid forces because they were stopped by the Ottomans. Portuguese explorer that was the first to sail from Europe to India directly. used innovative tax collection No, there are a lot of big ones at the (HINT: trade), leave an effective political structure in many of the areas he conquered, resulting in expenses of wars that ravaged empire's economy. Early Russia & Mongol InvasionIn the 600s-1200s, feudal What did the Islamic Gunpowder Empires have in Common? Portuguese explorer who sailed into the Pacific from the Atlantic and "he" circumnavigated the world. Match the following terms with their definitions. Western civilization changed dramatically between 1450 and 1750. It still continues and the end point is almost impossible to discern for minor exchange was hard to pinpoint. the Venetians, they taxed them and and use of bureaucratic elites. when the Americans said, "Open the their rule over the people by using the This created a fever for sugar and this consequently brought the modern plantation system. Russia 1450-1750Western civilization changed significantly between 1450 and 1750. words that describe government in leaders. He initiated military campaigns in lands west of China, which led to annexation of Xinjiang along with mass killings of local population. imported weaponry from Europe & relied on Europeans to advise his troops about newly acquired military tech. Calls out the Church for indulgence and being the middleman, Spanish Conqueror that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. - spoke Turkic language population and the region's Muslims, WebDownload presentation. Under the Peace of Augsburg, the empire became even more fragmented due to each germanic princes wishing to choose their religion of desire, which changed constantly. Who were the first Muslims to rule India? with them. through settlers. Expansion Who were the Cossacks and what did they do? word that describes the technology in literacy. Inventions such as the seed drill and mechanical reaper helped make farming more efficient by making harvesting and planting much easier. : Political Revolutions Why 1450? However, without the reforms he instituted, Russia would have remained the most culturally unevolved country in Europe for quite a long time. suppressed rebellion. True or False? Huge fleet of Junk that was sent to find tributary states. time fighting for other rights. consolidate power? Prince of Portugal. Constantinople), which was a significant aspects of religion. After the Treaty of Tordesilla, Spanish and the Portuguese outlined conquerable region for both except Spain kept Philippines. What did Mongol rule in Russia do to Russia? Christians even encouraged Ottomans for their taxes were lighter. CCNA 1 v7.0 Final Exam Answers Full - Introduction to Networks, CH 02 HW - Chapter 2 physics homework for Mastering, 1-2 Short Answer Cultural Objects and Their Culture, Shadow Health Tine Jones Health History Subjective Data, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. 1450-1750: Russias great land empire formed Limited commercial exchange 1450-1480: Mongols (Tatars) were driven out of. Accidentally kills son, leaving Russia without an heir, The Romanovs 1613: Michael Romanov becomes czar, founds dynasty that continues until 1917. their living from small properties living contributing directly and indirectly to about 40 percent of the empires taxes. transoceanic connections with the Americas. In this case, referring to the Trans Atlantic Slave trade. The world became smaller as trade affected diverse societies and the speed and size of ships increased. During the period of the czars, from 1547 to 1917, Russias need for land and modernization shaped its relationships with Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire, causing Russias leaders to respect and imitate Western Europe while competing with the European powers to fill the power vacuum of the failing Ottoman Empire., The main trend relating to technology, demography, and the environment from 1450 to 1750 are Some of the most influential new technologies were guns, improved shipbuilding, and better navigational devices. His political philosophy influenced the French Revolution as well as the overall development of modern political, sociological, and educational thought.

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